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How to Upload a Portrait to Fantasy Grounds

With the release of Fantasy Grounds Unity, the systems surrounding the maps and images was significantly updated. While there are more options for maps, Importing them is even so an easy process.

  1. Notice and format any maps you would similar to import.
  2. Using the image menu, import the files into FGU.
  3. Add a grid and mask overlay.
  4. Make the map shareable with your players.

Video guide to importing maps.

Looking to skip the text and get right to the goods? Nosotros have uploaded a video guide of this walkthrough in case you are looking for more information!

Collecting and Formatting

Download and Format the Map Images

The starting time matter yous will need to practice is collect, download, or create the images that you programme on using within of Fantasy Grounds. While most images will piece of work, there are a few things to consider when planning to utilise them as maps in Fantasy Grounds Unity.

Determine the PPI (pixels per inch) and file size.

Two aspects of the prototype files that may be easy to overlook but can make a big difference when playing is the PPI and the overall file size. While the PPI will affect the concluding epitome file size, it also determines how the tokens, icons, and character markers lay on the maps. The all-time PPI value for using maps inside of Fantasy Grounds is from my feel betwixt 150-200 PPI. When determining which maps and images to utilize that the higher the PPI the better the image will expect. Larger images will take longer to stream to your players however. The last large consideration when finding graphics is whether or not you volition use maps with an already set grid.

There is not much divergence when using maps that already take a grid versus those that practice non because the way that FGU combat system works. When using both styles of maps, you will need to use the FG internal gridding layer to create a grid size that the system will recognize. Nosotros will become over this step later in the guide, but the touch on it has on epitome selection is in regards to the epitome filigree size. If the maps you are using do not already take a grid, you don't have to worry about this issue.

Preparing the Maps

The FGU desktop.

Opening the FGU Image Location

Once you lot have the program opened. access the images tab from the side menu. If the images button does not appear on the sidebar, you lot tin can activate it from the settings menu.

Click on the settings button (gear) in the top right corner of the program. Under the sidebar section you tin can choose which buttons announced or don't on the desktop.

With the image menu opened, click on the import images push button and select the file you would like to bring into the campaign. After the file is in the system, you lot tin change the proper name or ready an ID to observe them later.

Images card.

Setting upwards the grid and masks

In one case you have the images loaded into FGU, open the file you lot need to prepare from the Image tab. With the image open, choose the grid choice at the summit right. Using the transmission setting by clicking on the mouse icon, click and drag over a department of the map to set up the filigree.

Filigree menu.

For maps that already take a filigree that y'all are happy with, take the tool and outline one of the already drawn squares from corner to corner. This will generate a filigree that matches the one already drawn on the map that is functional in the software. The system should automatically set a distance value for each foursquare based on the game rules that you are using.

If your map doesn't already have a grid, take the tool and find a hallway, room, or object on the map that you will use as a sizing reference. If there is a hallway that you want to be x feet broad, or a room you want to exist four meters wide, employ the tool to depict a filigree square to take upward the appropriate space. Corners work all-time for this pace as the grid will generate forth both axes from the original square that you placed downwards.

The grid tin can be removed and reset if y'all are unhappy with the initial layout.

Once y'all take a filigree on the map, the mask tool at the top of the image window tin be used to prepare your fog of war across the map to hide the unseen portions from your players. After clicking on the mask menu, click on the add together global mask to cover the entire map.

To reveal sections to your part, select the reveal tool and highlight the sections you lot would similar to remove the mask.

Using the map and gainsay.

Now that the map has been set upwards within of Fantasy Grounds Unity, it is like shooting fish in a barrel to utilise the arrangement for combat. From the combat tracker icon in the upper right corner of the fantasy grounds master desktop, you tin click and elevate the portraits of any players or combat participants to the map. FG will automatically resize whatsoever of the icons you pull from the combat tracker or tokens you add to the map to fit into 1 of the grid squares.

Using the Fantasy Grounds grid layer will likewise help the tokens snap into place forth the grid, and use the targeting features bachelor in the combat tracker. The distance tracker volition be based on the grid that you created and the base rules of the system you are running.

Congratulations! You lot are all set to start using your maps during your next session! Banner 2
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